USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM)

USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM) 5.7.0 USB drive letter manager for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM) Abstract:

USBDLM is a Windows service that gives control over Windows' drive letter assignment for USB drives. It is a freeware drive letter management application that's portable.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Control the USB drive letter assignment operations that computer performs with the help of a configurable - Screenshot of USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM)
Screenshot of USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM) - 800px · 600px
Customize the drive letter assigned to attach USB mass storage - Screenshot of USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM)
Customize the drive letter assigned to attach USB mass storage.
Screenshot of USB Drive Letter Manager (USBDLM) - 550px · 403px